26. Sports Complexes

Last updated: Tue, Sep 20th, 2016 7:56:04 pm

26.1          In the case of the Coolmine, Mayfield, Tallaght and Newpark schools, Sport Complexes have been established which are managed by sub-committees of the Board of Management. Arrangements for the management of these centres have been laid down separately.  The Boards of Management of these schools must satisfy themselves that there are adequate controls in place over the operation of these complexes. No payments are to be made from and no receipts lodged to the School Fund in respect of the running of these centres but a separate bank account must be maintained and separate accounts kept.

26.2          The Board of Management should ensure that there are formal arrangements in place setting out how the sport complexes are operated and the roles and responsibilities of all involved. The formal arrangements should include the following:

  1. Day to day operating procedures including staff arrangement, pool operations, life guards, gym instructions etc.

  2. Day to day maintenance and repairs

  3. Scheduled maintenance and repairs

  4. Indemnity and insurance arrangements

  5. Financial Procedures

  6. Use of facilities by third parties

26.3          All overheads (e.g. light and heat, telephone) proper to these Centres must be charged to them and an appropriate apportioning system must be devised where such overheads are not readily devisable between the Centre and the school as might be the case where the overhead is recorded by a common meter.

26.4          Audited accounts should be presented to the Board for approval and submitted to the Department annually not later than six months after the year end.

26.5          No permanent staff appointments, either new appointments or replacements may be made by the Board, except when and as approved by the Minister.